We’re the Boomerang Generation? You Must Be Mistaken.

There have been tons of articles reporting lately that about 60 percent of recent college graduates are moving back home with their parents. So, what? Right? Well, that’s a way higher percentage than any other generation before us. There are so many of us living high school-style with the rents that our generation has been renamed “The Boomerang Generation.” There’s even a Wikipedia page describing our failure and thus our rebranding.

I get the boomerang joke, i.e., we’re returning back like a boomerang. But I would prefer to be renamed for an object more age appropriate for us 20-somethings. We could, for example, be the Skip It generation. It’s the same concept, duh.

Or we could be the Stick-Ums generation. You know, that amazing Velcro toss game that you could play for hours, or until your dog got a hold of the tennis ball and either wouldn’t give it back or slobbered on it so thoroughly that it would no longer stick to the disk. Who doesn’t remember the trademark Velcro CCCRRRRUUUUCCCHHHHH sound that probably drove our parents crazy. Now that’s an appropriate name for our generation! After college, back at home, driving our parents crazy again, but this time with the ever-so cheerful sounds of Twiiter updates on the minute and an incessant stream of 30 second song clips from iTunes.

I am disappointed with the renaming attempt. But regardless of the new title, our generations’ situation is dire. Don’t fret if you’re living at home, though. You are not alone, and help is on the way. Keep an eye out for upcoming posts about successfully moving back in with Mom and Dad, and how to get the hell out of there as soon as possible.

Oh, and do me a favor? Anytime you hear someone refer to us as the boomerang generation, kindly and confidently remark that they must be mistaken. We’re the Stretch Armstrong generation. Clearly, we always return to our original…uh…home address.

July 22, 2008. Tags: , , , , , , . graduation, Life-in General.


  1. Shayne replied:

    I came across your site in the middle of researching our so-called – ahem, sorry – Boomerang generation. I thought your take on the issue was incredibly light-hearted and refreshing. I’m glad to see that I’m not alone in thinking we’ve been branded incorrectly.

  2. Katy Spaulding replied:

    Thanks for reading, Shayne. Let me know if you found any other articles of interest.

  3. Moving Out of Your Parent’s Pad (AGAIN!) « PR PRep replied:

    […] probably know how I feel about this rebranding. But regardless of what they’re calling us behind our backs and to our faces, the ultimate […]

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